جون سينا بالانجليزية Jhon Sina
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته
Jhon Sina
Date of Birth:
April 23, 1977
Nationality: American
Nationality: American
Length and weight: 6'3 "- 260lbs
Trained in: Ultimate University
Knockout: FU & STFU
- The number of sisters 4 and ranked second among them. -
- Not used steroids or drugs did not fail in any income from medical examination before and this is clear on his body now that huge naturally without drugs taken by the players bodybuilding .. and this explains his body different from the time of exercise of the game and Aadkhn
- Great wrestler Tony Atlas Cena participated in the
23 birthday impressed by the
- Secrets of popular Cena it donates a lot of money earned by
For charity, the poor and orphans and other children
This reflects the secret of his popularity, despite what I did McMahon scenarios
Backward .... Outside the scope of these scenarios shows a real person
- As for the amusing things in his life when he was
Was young, he and his brethren imitate movements
Wrestling and grappling with each other.
هام : هذا الموضوع ضمن تصنيفات المدونة
بحوث مدرسية جاهزة نشكرك للمتابعة . يمكنك نقل
الموضوع من المدونة لكن بشرط يجب ذكر المصدر و ذكر رابط الموضوع الاصلي
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