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Fluoride toothpastes إشهار معجون الأسنان انجليزية

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته
Fluoride toothpastes إشهار معجون الأسنان انجليزية

Fluoride toothpastes make up more than 95% of all toothpaste sales. It is well 
recognised that the decline in the prevalence of dental caries recorded in most industrialised

countries over the past 30 years can be attributed mainly to the widespread use of toothpaste that contain fluoride. Investigations into the effectiveness of adding fluoride to toothpaste have been carried out since 1945 and cover a wide range of active ingredients in various abrasive formulations. Fluoride compounds and their combinations which have been tested for the control of dental decay include sodium fluoride, stannous fluoride, sodium monofluorophosphate and amine fluoride. The most widely used fluoride compounds in the Republic of Ireland are sodium fluoride and sodium monofluorophosphate.
التصنيف :
هام : هذا الموضوع ضمن تصنيفات المدونة بحوث مدرسية جاهزة نشكرك للمتابعة . يمكنك نقل الموضوع من المدونة لكن بشرط يجب ذكر المصدر و ذكر رابط الموضوع الاصلي
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